Homes for LIFELord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will listen to their cries and comfort them.” (Psalm 10:17)

In Nicaragua, we’re not just building a house, we’re fulfilling a dream for families…the dream of owning a REAL HOME! With your support, our Homes for LIFE outreach will build 300 brand new homes for families and children living in extreme poverty. These concrete homes are built to last a minimum of 25 years in the roughest weather conditions. To provide a home for only $3,600 means your gift goes a long way!

$30 will help provide shelter, water and food for 3 months

$60 will help provide shelter, water and food for 6 months

$120 will help provide a home for a family for an entire year

$1200 can be combined with two other gifts to help sponsor a new home, water and food

$3600 will help sponsor a new home for a family, provide a lifetime of clean water and food for a year

An international foundation has agreed to double our efforts in Nicaragua. That means your gift today will effectively be doubled!

Facts About Nicaragua:

50% of the population in Nicaragua lives in overcrowded housing with 3 or more people per room. Most do not own their own houses.

83% of the homes are self-constructed and built from scrap and other discarded materials. 43% have earthen floors.

75% of the targeted population is malnourished. 27% of the children are underweight, comparable to areas in central and eastern Africa.

The dirt floors and unclean water create a cycle of deteriorating health. Ear, eye and skin infections are prevalent in children and many of the water sources are contaminated, leading to cholera, dysentery and, in some cases, death.

Good housing provides the first steps toward better health and a better family life. Project HOPE homes will shelter a family from the environment with concrete floors, solid walls and a reliable roof, providing a place of rest and safety.

If you would be interested in supporting our Homes for LIFE outreach program please contact Lizzy Gray.