Category: day-by-day

Why Nehemiah Teams?

1. God can do amazing things in a short amount of time. (Neh. 6:15-16) 2. The book of Nehemiah is about building a wall (Ezk. 22:30) 3. God wants to use students. In the last 300 years, every mission movement that has started has started with students. What’s the vision? To lead students to obey…

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Father to the fatherless

We celebrated Father’s Day today at the orphanage. At first it struck me as odd because the orphans were celebrating it too even though most of them do not even know their fathers. They all have different stories, but in most cases, their fathers either died or they abandoned them. It made me appreciate my…

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Friday, 06-13-08

Since I’ve gotten here a little over a week ago, I have been crammed with knowledge… in a good way! I’ve learned so much and my first thought is, “I can’t wait to go home and share what I’ve learned with my family, friends, and the youth group at church!” One of the many studies…

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Monday, 06-09-08

4:00am we woke up to prepare to leave orientation. We packed our things, said our goodbyes, and were on our way! My first team to travel with is the Little Orphan Nanny Team. As Kuya Jess was taking us to the bus terminal, I remember thinking about how tired I was and about how heavy…

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Thursday, 06-05-08

The day has finally come… Memphis- Dallas (1hour, 40 mins) Dallas- LA (3 hours) LA- Hong Kong (14 hours) Hong Kong- Manila (2 hours) Manila- Davao (2 hours) Plus over 10 hours in layovers, which finally brings me here to Davao city, Philippines! We have been here about four hours now and it has been…

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Psalm 67

May God be gracious to us and bless us, and make His face shine upon us. That your ways may be known on the earth, your salvation among all nations.

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AIDS in Africa

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, also known as AIDS, is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which results in permanent damage to the immune system. Most patients die from infections or malignancies associated with the progressive failure of the immune system. It is a fairly new disease, in which many people encounter daily, but do not…

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Homes for LIFE

“Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will listen to their cries and comfort them.” (Psalm 10:17) In Nicaragua, we’re not just building a house, we’re fulfilling a dream for families…the dream of owning a REAL HOME! With your support, our Homes for LIFE outreach will build 300 brand new homes for…

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